Famous Scouts

Many famous Americans were Scouts and Eagle Scouts? To see just a few noteworthy famous Eagle Scouts, check out the Famous Eagle Scouts page.

Listed below are just a few noteworthy Scouts.

Hank Aaron
Buzz Aldrin
Jack Black
Jimmy Buffet
George W. Bush
Bill Clinton
Harrison Ford
Bill Gates

Richard Gere
Andy Griffith
Michael Jordan
Jon Bon Jovi
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr
John F. Kennedy
Tommy Lasorda
Jay Leno

John Lithgow
Barack Obama
Christ Pratt
Nolan Ryan
James "Jimmy" Stewart
George Strait
George Takei
John Wayne

Scouting Facts

Scouting Started in the UK-img

Scouting Started in the UK

Scouting may have originated in the UK after Robert Baden-Powell founded the organization in 1907, but the Scouting movement itself now spans 216 countries, with over 38 million Scout and Guide members.

International organizations vary across the globe with different uniforms, traditions and activities but all hold the same core values.

Scouting in America Started by Chance-img

Scouting in America Started by Chance

The Scouts website says: “The big step across the Atlantic, and into the United States, came more by chance. In 1909, an American businessman, William Boyce, was lost in the fog of London, when a small boy approached him, and offered to take him to his hotel. Once there, the boy refused any offer of money for the service, saying that it was his good turn as a Boy Scout.

Boyce was intrigued by this and tracked down Baden Powell before he left London to learn more. When he got back to the USA, he went about setting up the Boy Scouts of America.”

Indonesia has the Highest Number of Scouts-img

Indonesia has the Highest Number of Scouts

The national Scouting organization of Indonesia, Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia, has over 17 million members making it the world’s largest Scouting organization.

Many think that as it originated here, UK Scouting would be the world’s largest but actually only comes in around ninth (as of 2012).

Only 5 Countries in the World don’t have Scouting-img

Only 5 Countries in the World don’t have Scouting

Five countries around the world don’t have any kind of Scouting organization in their country. They include Andorra, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vatican City – the last of which often isn’t included.

Up until 2008, even Mainland China didn’t have a Scouting organization, but now have various Scouting activities.